Sunday, October 10, 2010
One Month to Live
We started a small group study on the series "One Month to Live" by Kerry Shook today. It's a very powerful topic of discussion and one we should all take time to think about. What would I do if I only had one month to live? How would I have lived this day differently? What would my "to do" list look like for this upcoming week if I knew I only had 4 weeks left to live?
I jotted down a few things I would want to change. Here is a sample:
*Build better, stronger relationships with my children
*Spend more time with my extended family
*Help those around me that are in need
*Live with enthusiasm
*Train and disciple my children
*Draw closer to God
*Forgive quickly
*Be slow to get angry
*Love more deeply
*Write letters to my family to tell them how I feel about them
*Make special memories with Bryan and my children
*Have a positive attitude
*Live with excellence
Hopefully I have much more time than one month on this earth, but the fact is none of us are given the promise of tomorrow. This list I created represents those things that are important to me and it should be my priority in life to see that those things are taken care of first. With God's help, I want to make some new habits and live out the rest of my time doing what is the most meaningful to me.
What about you? What would your list look like?
Monday, October 4, 2010
I'm Baaack!
Wow, it's been so long since I've been able to keep in touch with my blog. "C'est la vie!" A house of seven people stays pretty hectic.
These days the kids are very busy with school. Praise the Lord for ABeka DVD courses! They have brought some sanity into my homeschooling. The girls are having a blast doing their video together. Carson is working right along with Kelley and doing great, even though Kelley is a grade level ahead of her. Carson still does her 1st grade worksheets, but everything else she does with Kelley. And they are so competitive! Sam is enjoying doing his studies online. I am loving his history teacher. He makes the stories truly come to life. If I had him when I was in school, maybe I would have liked history more than math! Well... I don't know about that. I'm still pretty nerdy!
Bryan is enjoying his work with the food bank. He is also chairman of the board for the crisis pregnancy center AND helps me with the music at our church. I've been blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve as worship pastor at the church where Bryan and I attended before we were married. I always thought I would like leading a music program, and I was right! There's a lot of work involved but I enjoy every bit of it.
One day seems to run into the next so that it's hard to keep track sometimes. Maybe one day I'll be able to take a few moments and think about life. For now I'm too busy living it!
These days the kids are very busy with school. Praise the Lord for ABeka DVD courses! They have brought some sanity into my homeschooling. The girls are having a blast doing their video together. Carson is working right along with Kelley and doing great, even though Kelley is a grade level ahead of her. Carson still does her 1st grade worksheets, but everything else she does with Kelley. And they are so competitive! Sam is enjoying doing his studies online. I am loving his history teacher. He makes the stories truly come to life. If I had him when I was in school, maybe I would have liked history more than math! Well... I don't know about that. I'm still pretty nerdy!
Bryan is enjoying his work with the food bank. He is also chairman of the board for the crisis pregnancy center AND helps me with the music at our church. I've been blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve as worship pastor at the church where Bryan and I attended before we were married. I always thought I would like leading a music program, and I was right! There's a lot of work involved but I enjoy every bit of it.
One day seems to run into the next so that it's hard to keep track sometimes. Maybe one day I'll be able to take a few moments and think about life. For now I'm too busy living it!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Welcome, Spring!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Caroline. I am only 34 weeks right now but I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable as she has decided to find a good resting spot all the way on my right side which has caused me to limp. I know my family will be glad when I can function normally and go up and down the stairs.
I am very excited about our new addition. Thankfully we finally decided on a name. After much voting and polling and prayer, we decided against Abigail and for Caroline. Now all of our girls' names will start with a "k" sound. I can just see me now getting all tongue-tied trying to call them. I'm already doing that!
These days we are trying to spend more time outside with the kids. We enjoy sitting on the front porch. The swing is my favorite spot! It's so nice outside right now. I love Spring!
We finally got our garden planted. Each child chose a crop that they were going to take care of. Carson chose cucumbers, Kelley chose corn, and Sam chose bell pepper and watermelon. We had to go with cantaloupe instead of watermelon, though. We have also planted squash, okra, tomatoes, and strawberries. I am trying very hard to develop a green thumb. Last year's garden was a disaster, simply because I was too lazy to keep it up like I should have. But we have decided to try to get back to basics as much as possible which is a motivating factor for me to tend to the garden more diligently this year. I pray that God will bless our efforts.
I am also trying my hand at sewing again. I really want to be more self-sufficient and learn more homemaking skills so I can teach them to the girls. I have also started making our own baby wipes, laundry pre-treater and laundry detergent. I have lots of homemade, frugal recipes I want to try. Thankfully I have a patient husband who lets me try my hand at different things that will help us to save money. Not only will it save us money, we are learning more skills and teaching our children the value of a dollar.
Well, it's time to head to the sewing machine. Hope this project turns out well. If it does, I'll let you know.
I am very excited about our new addition. Thankfully we finally decided on a name. After much voting and polling and prayer, we decided against Abigail and for Caroline. Now all of our girls' names will start with a "k" sound. I can just see me now getting all tongue-tied trying to call them. I'm already doing that!
These days we are trying to spend more time outside with the kids. We enjoy sitting on the front porch. The swing is my favorite spot! It's so nice outside right now. I love Spring!
We finally got our garden planted. Each child chose a crop that they were going to take care of. Carson chose cucumbers, Kelley chose corn, and Sam chose bell pepper and watermelon. We had to go with cantaloupe instead of watermelon, though. We have also planted squash, okra, tomatoes, and strawberries. I am trying very hard to develop a green thumb. Last year's garden was a disaster, simply because I was too lazy to keep it up like I should have. But we have decided to try to get back to basics as much as possible which is a motivating factor for me to tend to the garden more diligently this year. I pray that God will bless our efforts.
I am also trying my hand at sewing again. I really want to be more self-sufficient and learn more homemaking skills so I can teach them to the girls. I have also started making our own baby wipes, laundry pre-treater and laundry detergent. I have lots of homemade, frugal recipes I want to try. Thankfully I have a patient husband who lets me try my hand at different things that will help us to save money. Not only will it save us money, we are learning more skills and teaching our children the value of a dollar.
Well, it's time to head to the sewing machine. Hope this project turns out well. If it does, I'll let you know.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Going back to my roots

Since our departure from Calvary, we have had the privilege of being in church service with my grandmother, better known as "Mema". She attends the Coneross Church of God, the same church I used to go to with her when I was small.
I remember fondly those weekends I spent with her. After my parents divorced when I was 9, I stayed with Mema and Papa on the weekends. How I loved those times. They had the best tree for climbing in the whole county. In fact, that's where my cousin and I would run to escape my Papa's fishing buddy. John always wanted to give us granddaughters a kiss on the cheek and he always had itchy stubble. So we would climb the tree whenever we saw his car coming into view and we stayed up there until he left if we could hold out that long!
I also remember running through the wash hanging on the clotheslines, telling ghost stories under the weeping willow tree to my younger cousins, playing hair salon with my older cousins, and walking through the garden with my grandpa. Saturdays were especially comforting to me. It was a quiet, relaxing time and brought peace in what was a traumatic time in my childhood.
Mema was always busy doing something on Saturdays, whether it was sewing, making chow-chow, or cleaning. In the evenings we would watch Hee-Haw. I would sometimes sneak and watch Solid Gold when I could (loved the dancers!). Then when it grew dark, we would retire to the front porch. I would swing and my grandparents would rock and we would listen to gospel music for the longest. Before we went to bed, I would take what I call a "bird bath" in front of the kitchen sink (see, they had no indoor bathroom), then I would lather myself in lotion and put on one of Mema's flannel nightgowns before either getting in the bed with her or sleeping in the extra twin bed in Papa's room (yes, they slept in separate rooms). Papa would let me go to sleep listening to his radio and he would leave a lamp on for me. I loved making shadow animals on the walls. The window beside my bed was always left open and I enjoyed hearing the rooster crow in the morning.
On Sunday mornings, we watched Jimmy Swaggart while we got ready for church. Mema always made me oatmeal and sausage patties for breakfast. I always wore some of her perfume. Papa didn't go to church, so we had to have someone pick us up as Mema never learned to drive. I don't remember much about the Sunday school classes, but boy I loved the worship services. Back then anyone could sing in the choir. I loved singing and would always stand where I could see Mema. Many times during the preaching part of the service I would nod off and occasionally lie down in the pew. But the pentecostal style worship going on around me always woke me up!
After church all of the aunts and uncles and cousins would come over for Sunday dinner. The meat was always fried chicken, and it is still the only meat on the menu at her house on Sundays to this day! It was always a little sad for me to leave and go back home on Sundays. I truly enjoyed being with my grandparents. Now my grandmother lives alone, but she still cooks Sunday dinner every week. Those times will remain in my memory as some of the most precious moments of my childhood.
Monday, March 1, 2010
New Chapter
Yesterday was a very emotional day for my family and me as we said farewell to our church. Not counting the past 10 years that Bryan served as pastor, we also served there for four years when we first got married working with the youth. Truly, our hearts are broken as we say goodbye to one special chapter in our lives. We made many friends whom we hope to keep in touch with.
But as we close this chapter in our lives, at the same time we open a new chapter. We look into this new season of our lives with anticipation. I believe that God is totally in control of our future and will by no means leave us or forsake us. What He has in store for us, I'm not sure. I only know that we will spend this time focusing on our family, spending quality time with our children, and "sharpening the ax". God will use this time to prepare us for what He has in store for us. I pray that we will walk with open hearts and ears so that we may know the voice of our Lord when He decides to speak to us.
Life is made up of seasons. We can't fight them. We must be willing to walk out the paths God has placed before us.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Be Intentional
For some time now I have been getting the nudge from my heavenly Father that I need to be intentional in all I do. If I don't actively take control of my mind and focus my energy on those things that are the most important in my life and that result in the most productivity, I wind up wasting my days away. My time with my children is too precious to do that! But this sinful flesh loves to be comfortable... loves to serve "me". I have to constantly remind myself that it's not about me being happy, it's about fulfilling God's purpose for my life - serving my family, taking care of my home, teaching my children. Sure I would love to spend more time doing the things that please me and that I find entertaining. There are days that I don't get everything accomplished that I should because I have let myself get distracted and spent my time on other things. But God is faithful to remind me when I get off course and help me find my way again. How about you? Are you letting the emotions of the moment, those things that feel good to you, or even other people dictate how you spend your time? Time is our most valuable resource. We never have more or less than 24 hours. How we focus our energy will predict our future. So... be intentional!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
What a wonderful day! Last Friday my sweet husband granted me a "spa day". My morning started with breakfast in bed, served by my beau and my precious children. Complete with coffee that my son made himself! The door closed behind them and I was left to enjoy a nice breakfast while I watched a little Joyce Meyer (which Kelley turned on for me). As I am finishing up, Bryan comes to take my tray and I begin to get ready. As I enter the kitchen, I am not bombarded by the usual morning din of yelling children. Rather I hear nothing except dishes rattling which is the sound of my sweetie cleaning the kitchen! My children are all very quietly working on their schoolwork! I am able to get ready without anyone knocking on the door calling "Mommy". As I am getting ready to leave, Bryan goes to warm up the car for me. I discover when I leave that he has also put in my favorite CD to listen to (tobyMac, of course!!).
I have some good, quality time by myself to do whatever I want before I head to my favorite restaurant for lunch. (If you know me at all, I don't have to tell you what that is!) Then a little shopping and it's off to the spa.
The place smells wonderful and I am quickly greeted by the staff. No time is wasted in getting me to the massage room. The masseuse was very sweet and cordial. Since I'm pregnant, my massage was performed while I was on my side. A little different from what I'm used to, but still oh so relaxing. The oil she used smelled wonderful. The room was dim and the blankets warm. From there I was taken to the facial room. So nice and relaxing as well. While the mask on my face hardened, and with herbal tea bags on my eyes, I dozed off for a little bit. Just a minute or so of shut-eye during the day is nice. Next came my pedicure. While I waited for Deborah to get ready, I soaked my feet in a very warm, bubbly tub of water and let the chair massage my back. She brought me a little snack consisting of red grapes, cheese cubes, whole grain crackers, chocolate cookies and a glass of water. Keep in mind that I'm very ticklish on my feet. But Deborah did a great job of trying to keep from tickling me. Next, she gave me a French manicure and it was off to the hair salon for a shampoo and conditioning rinse. I love having someone wash my hair. I had a good bit of length taken off which feels so much better. When all was finished, I picked out a candle to purchase. They sell soy candles which last a long time. I chose the "Festive Pomegranate". I love burning it in the office when I'm working on the computer.
My spa day complete, I head home to get ready for a date with my hubby just to top everything off. I must admit I feel like a total bum for not having to do anything all day long. But I think all moms are due a day of rest every now and then. Can't wait for the next one!!
I have some good, quality time by myself to do whatever I want before I head to my favorite restaurant for lunch. (If you know me at all, I don't have to tell you what that is!) Then a little shopping and it's off to the spa.
The place smells wonderful and I am quickly greeted by the staff. No time is wasted in getting me to the massage room. The masseuse was very sweet and cordial. Since I'm pregnant, my massage was performed while I was on my side. A little different from what I'm used to, but still oh so relaxing. The oil she used smelled wonderful. The room was dim and the blankets warm. From there I was taken to the facial room. So nice and relaxing as well. While the mask on my face hardened, and with herbal tea bags on my eyes, I dozed off for a little bit. Just a minute or so of shut-eye during the day is nice. Next came my pedicure. While I waited for Deborah to get ready, I soaked my feet in a very warm, bubbly tub of water and let the chair massage my back. She brought me a little snack consisting of red grapes, cheese cubes, whole grain crackers, chocolate cookies and a glass of water. Keep in mind that I'm very ticklish on my feet. But Deborah did a great job of trying to keep from tickling me. Next, she gave me a French manicure and it was off to the hair salon for a shampoo and conditioning rinse. I love having someone wash my hair. I had a good bit of length taken off which feels so much better. When all was finished, I picked out a candle to purchase. They sell soy candles which last a long time. I chose the "Festive Pomegranate". I love burning it in the office when I'm working on the computer.
My spa day complete, I head home to get ready for a date with my hubby just to top everything off. I must admit I feel like a total bum for not having to do anything all day long. But I think all moms are due a day of rest every now and then. Can't wait for the next one!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I guess I'm no different from any other mom with little ones. My mind doesn't always stay focused on the task at hand because I've always got a million things to think about. For instance, tonight while loading the dishwasher I mistakingly put liquid dishwashing detergent in there instead of the solution made just for the dishwasher. I just put a little bit in before I realized my mistake. I didn't think a little bit would really matter so I didn't wipe it out like I should have. Well, not long after the machine started I noticed bubbles coming out of the bottom of the door. My mind raced to a 50's sitcom I once saw. I could just imagine what Bryan would say when he came home and had to swim through bubbles to get through the front door! Thankfully there weren't that many suds and I was able to get it all cleaned up (with a little help from Luke!). So many times I walk through my days distracted by the here and now, the urgent, the loudness and the commotion of a busy household that I neglect to make phone calls to family, check my calendar so I don't miss appointments (again), take time to enjoy my family, take time to enjoy life in general. I know I'm not alone. Many of us get distracted, sidetracked, from what's really important and we neglect what should be on the top of our priority list... time alone with God and quality time with our loved ones. And somewhere down the road we look back and ask, "Where did the time go?" We haven't feed our spirit, we've lost touch with family, we've even lost touch with ourselves. In the end, a life that is not focused is a life ill-spent and non-productive. I want to make my life count. "Lord, help me to keep my eyes and my mind focused on You so I can fulfill the plan You have for me."
Monday, January 11, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
New Favorite Recipe
Gotta share this simple but delicious recipe my step-mom turned me on to. Bryan can't get enough of them.
1 package Oreos
1 8-oz package cream cheese
1 package almond bark
Allow the cheese to soften. Crush Oreos in food processor until they are in fine crumbs. Mix the cheese and crumbs together. Roll into balls. Melt almond bark and dip balls. Cool on wax paper. Yummy!
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