Sunday, October 10, 2010

One Month to Live

We started a small group study on the series "One Month to Live" by Kerry Shook today.  It's a very powerful topic of discussion and one we should all take time to think about.  What would I do if I only had one month to live?  How would I have lived this day differently?  What would my "to do" list look like for this upcoming week if I knew I only had 4 weeks left to live?

I jotted down a few things I would want to change.  Here is a sample:

*Build better, stronger relationships with my children
*Spend more time with my extended family
*Help those around me that are in need
*Live with enthusiasm
*Train and disciple my children
*Draw closer to God
*Forgive quickly
*Be slow to get angry
*Love more deeply
*Write letters to my family to tell them how I feel about them
*Make special memories with Bryan and my children
*Have a positive attitude
*Live with excellence

Hopefully I have much more time than one month on this earth, but the fact is none of us are given the promise of tomorrow.  This list I created represents those things that are important to me and it should be my priority in life to see that those things are taken care of first.  With God's help, I want to make some new habits and live out the rest of my time doing what is the most meaningful to me.

What about you?  What would your list look like?

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